Corporate Finance Consulting


Corporate finance consultancy consists of all financial activities related to running a business, primarily concerned with maximizing shareholder value through long-term and short-term financial planning and the implementation of various strategies. Everything from capital investment decisions to investment banking falls under the domain of corporate finance.

At Leadway, we understand what matters to the total investment market and can help you extract a better return on investment.

Our professionals assist your company to maximize the value of a business through planning and implementing management resources while balancing risk and profitability. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service and driving productivity, efficiency, and cost savings.

Service Include:

  • Capital Investment

  • Capital Raising Initiative

  • Capital Financing

  • Capital Market Strategy

  • Portfolio Management

  • Valuation of Business

  • Valuation of Share, public listed or private company

  • Valuation of Intangibles and Intellectual Property

  • Merger and Acquisition