WIT College is an engineering college and a human resources development technical center, which provides engineering and vocational and technical skills to help achieve the nation’s objective of becoming an industrialized country by the year 2020. WIT College was founded by Dr.V.David and Tan Sri Zainal Rampak from Transport Workers Union (TWU) of Malaysia in 1977 at Pandaraman Industrial Estate. The TWU fulfill the needs to upgrade Malaysians’ skills in keeping with the nation’s insight into a developed country status by creating the institute as part of its mission of promoting its members’ educational, cultural, and social pursuit.  In the year 1986, Ipoh campus was set up in the northern region and it has expanded in the focus of providing the best technical education in the region. A new management owned by Technorati Consultancy (M) Sdn Bhd, took over WIT College Ipoh and rebranded the college as WIT College Ipoh.

WIT College Ipoh offers various courses such as BTEC-HND to students, who can proceed to graduate programmes in automotive, electrical & electronic, mechanical engineering, and computer studies. The college also provides diploma to degree programmes for the same field. Part-time courses are also offered, which include diploma in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, automotive engineering, electrical & electronic engineering and computer science. Other than that, WIT College Ipoh also offer certificate programmes (SKM) in motor vehicle mechanic, electronic industrial technology, wireman, machining, and industrial mechanic and computer system analysis. With full financial support from the government, WIT College Ipoh is now providing industrial-based courses such as automotive technician and electrical engineer.

Since its establishment, WIT College has trained more than 36,000 school graduates in the country. Most of the graduates currently working and hold high technical and management positions in various industries in Malaysia and abroad. WIT College also collaborated with All Chinese Chamber of Commerce to train Malaysians become skilled experts. Today, WIT College is recognized as a training provider approved by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (HRDF), Skills Development Department (JPK@JPA), Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), and various Ministries and cooperates with various industries to increase their technical aspects.

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